Bully Ray held a Q&A session on Twitter before he got on his flight to the UK for Ring of Honor. Bully addressed a series of questions about his runs in WWE, TNA, and ECW.
Here are some highlights.
Was there every a potential solo run discussed when you went back to the WWE?
Where did the idea of Aces & Eights come from 5 years ago and who came up with the idea?
“Eric Bischoff.”
Who hit you with the hardest chair shots?
“Balls [Mahoney] and JBL.”
Who’s tougher then Bob Holly, JBL, or you?
“Billy Gunn.”
Who would you have liked to feud with in WWE as Bully?
“Bully vs. The Beast [Brock Lesnar].”
Do you have anything left on your ‘Bucket List’?
“Barbed Wire, Exploding Cage Match vs Randy Orton.”
How pleased were you with your feud with Sting in TNA?
“My fave along w/AJ Styles and Ken Anderson feud.”
What prompted the switch from the tie-dye getup to the camo gear a bit into your WWE run?
“[Vince McMahon] said ‘Change your gear.'”