GFW Impact Destination X Results (8/17): Multiple Returns, Super X Cup Finals, Lashley vs Sydal!

After a short break, Lashley throws Sydal into the barricade. Lashley whips Sydal into the corner hard. Lashley gets a two count. Lashley crushes Sydal with a running shoulder block in the corner. Lashley steps on Sydal’s throat. Lashley beats Sydal down in the corner. Lashley tries to pin Sydal with his hand on his throat. Sydal kicks out. Delay vertical suplex by Lashley. Lashley calls for the spear. Sydal moves out of the way and hits a spin kick. Sydal surprises Lashley with a DDT for a near fall. Sydal goes up top but Lashley cuts him off. Lashley climbs up top and holds Sydal up in a delay vertical suplex on the second rope Sydal manages to knee his way out of it.

Sydal takes Lashley down with a diving double knee strike off the top. Lashley responds with a sick spine buster for a near fall. Running power slam by Lashley. Sydal somehow kicks out. Dominator by Lashley. Sydal AGAIN kicks out! Lashley goes outside and grabs a steel chair. The referee tries to take the chair away from Lashley. Sydal hits a Van Daminator. Sydal tries the shooting star press but Lashley gets his knees up. Lashley tries the Spear but Sydal moves out of the way. Lashley hits the turnbuckle head first. Sydal rolls up Lashley for the win!

Winner- Matt Sydal

After the match, one of the members of Lashley’s MMA team grabs the Referee Brian Hebner and chokes him out. Lashley breaks it up.

As the show ends a video package airs announcing the debut of Johnny Impact, formally known as John Morrison and Johnny Mundo.

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