WWE Raw star Braun Strowman recently spoke with CBS Sports and below are some interview highlights:
Roman Reigns:
“Roman Reigns is, if not the best, one of the best performers in the world, hands down. I don’t care what anybody says. He does it night after night, and it doesn’t matter who he’s with, they tear the place down. Lately, it has been me and him blowing the roof off the arena on every place we walk into on God’s green earth. That’s the thing that people just don’t get and that’s the work ethic behind Roman Reigns. He’s just a tough S.O.B. I’ve spent so much time in this program, just nailing him and nailing him, and whether it’s stubbornness, stupidity or heart, he just keeps getting back up, which just keeps giving me a reason to knock him back down.”
Heels and faces in pro wrestling:
“That has been brought up before, and I feel like the days of faces and heels are coming to an end. We are two superstars. We are just megastars going out there and doing what we do which is entertaining. It doesn’t matter who you love or who you want to cheer for; at the end of the match, you are on your feet, you are going crazy, you have lost your voice, and we did our job.”
Giants in pro wrestling and the upcoming Fatal 4-Way match at SummerSlam:
“In today’s era, the giants are trying to be phased out. Three of the four guys are over 300 pounds in this match, and the other one is no slouch at 270 or 280. We are throwbacks; we are what put WWE on the map. We are attractions, and we are superstars and larger-than-life characters that you can’t walk around on the street and see so you buy the ticket. You come to the show and you watch us tear the Barclays Center apart for the universal championship.”