Will Ferrara on ROH vs GFW Growth, the Door Being Open for a CM Punk ROH Return, Working with Roderick Strong, NJPW Talent and More

Ring of Honor star Will Ferrara recently appeared on Interactive Wrestling Radio and below are some interview highlights.

On turning on Cheeseburger:

“Oh, I’ve been having a lot more fun beating him up than when he was tagging with me, I’ll tell you that! It was fun teaming with him but I felt like the next step was with just me. So, Cheeseburger is in my crosshairs. I’ll kick his butt every show! It is fun on my end (laughs)”.

On his experience with ROH thus far:

“I think it is undisputed now that Ring of Honor is the #2 company in this country… Quite possibly globally with our relationship with New Japan. It is really fun to be a part of it. It took a while for me to find my stride with Ring of Honor. It was like, “Oh man, I need to hang with these guys, these international superstars!” I still feel like I’m catching up because everyone keeps getting better month by month, show by show. The product as a whole just keeps getting better. It is cool to be apart of that because it forces you to get better just to hang – To stay afloat, you know? It doesn’t feel like it has already been 3 years. But, it has. I want to stay with Ring of Honor for my immediate future. My goal is to keep rising up!”

On training under Johnny Rodz and Taz:

“It was really cool training under those guys. Johnny let me start really young, much younger than 18, so when i started I didn’t treat it much like a career. Like, “Oh wow! This is wrestling! This is cool!” But, it still taught me a solid foundation that everything else has been based off since. When I did the Taz Dojo a couple of years later, I was coming of age. Like, “Hey, if you really want this to become a career you have to start treating it as such.” He (Taz) gave me the polish I needed to start treating this like a professional. And then, you can’t forget Delirius who I’ve been training under at the ROH Dojo the last couple of years. It is pretty much his curriculum that Cheeseburger and I teach as Assistant Trainers at the ROH Dojo. Between the 3 of them, I pretty much owe everything. I’m grateful to be able to pass it on to the new generation at the Dojo to keep learning under this tree.”

On what makes the ROH roster special:

“ROH has become the cream of the crop. People come from all over the world to be part of Ring of Honor. Once you’re a part of that system, you’re learning from people all over the world. It’s cool because the door keeps revolving. You travel, local talent comes in to each show. It’s great, you’re networking. A lot of legends come in to each show. It is a never ending learning experience. We all kind of help each other out. No one, as far as the Ring of Honor locker room, has ever declined to watch my match and give me feedback. It is just a really cool environment. Everyone that is a part of that environment keeps it that way and pays it forward for everyone.”

On how ROH can appeal to the casual fan:

“The biggest thing we need to do is to get their eyes on our product. I feel like Ring of Honor has the best wrestling on the planet. It is just a matter of them discovering us. I remember when I was growing up, once you were in that WWE bubble as a casual fan, it was hard to branch out because of the content overload. I feel we need. We are on a national platform. I think we’ve got it. I think the production is great! I think the athletes is great! The eyes just need to be there to see it!”

On if talent overlooks ROH with different objectives:

“I think it goes by a case by case basis. If someone has a goal, I think they should do whatever it takes to meet that goal. ROH is pure talent. I look at it like if I can succeed here, I can use that skill set to succeed anywhere. There is a lot left I want to do here!”

On working Roderick Strong:

“I look at guys like Roderick Strong who was here more than a decade and left a legacy. He whooped my ass lots of times and it was fun! (laughs)”.

On ROH versus GFW in growth potential:

“I don’t know anything about GFW. I have zero experience working there. But I know as far as Ring of Honor, we’ve been growing at a steady pace. I think that steady growth is better than spirting and declining here and there. We have nothing but room to grow. We’ve been maintaining and growing. I think we’ve got all the tools and all the stars lined up to make sure we keep doing that.”

On the importance of ROH’s War of the Worlds tour:

“It is very important because now, the wrestling fan base can access anything whever we are in the world. In this internet day where everything is accessible, it is important to keep a strong presence everywhere you can. Ring of Honor is a global company. They’re making stops in London, Liverpool, Edinburgh… They’re partnering up CMLL guys, New Japan guys, Rev Pro gjys… The really crowded talent pool should be a great time for everyone who checks it out.”

On being accepted as a talent at his size:

“I believe in the first few years, it was more of a challenge because I didn’t work towards my size. I felt like, “I can just work like a big guy.” But, perception is reality. It isn’t harder for me. I just have to look at myself in a different way. I actually prefer being an underdog now because I love tapping into that stuff. I don’t believe anyone has limits whether it is size or weight. It is if you can suspend someone’s disbelief and have them emotionally invested into you.”

On a language barrier working with NJPW talent like KUSHIDA:

“I think it is something we are able work through. Wrestling speaks through all languages.”

On CM Punk having an open door to return to ROH:

“I think that would be great. He was one of the biggest stars in the world a few years back. I know he’s been out of the game but I think both parties could benefit if he decides to do that. From my perspective, I’m all game!”

Read Also: ROH COO Joe Koff To CM Punk, ‘You Are Always Welcome In Our House’; Confirms Loose Punk & ROH Contact


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