Last Man Standing Match: Roman Reigns vs Braun Strowman
As Reigns stomps down the ramp, Strowman storms out of the ring to greet him. Strowman tosses Reigns around the outside area. Strowman lawn darts Reigns into the ring. Strowman floors Reigns with a lariat. The referee begins the count. Reigns is up at four. Strowman whips Reigns chest first into the turnbuckle. Reigns runs into Strowman but ends up eating the mat. Reigns bounced off Strowman. Reigns tumbles to the outside. After a short break, Strowman throws the ring steps into the ring. Reigns manages to land multiple clotheslines in the corner. Reigns kicks Strowman in the face. Strowman doesn’t go down. Reigns does it again. Strowman still doesn’t go down. Reigns hits Strowman with the ring steps. Strowman goes down. Reigns hits Strowman with the steps over and over again. Strowman is up at five. Strowman hits the C4. Reigns is out. Reigns gets to his feet at eight. Strowman tries a pop up but Reigns counters into the Superman punch. Reigns calls for the Spear. Reigns rushes in and Strowman dropkicks him. Reigns gets to his feet at eight. Strowman attempts a running shoulder block but Reigns moves out of the way. Strowman falls to the outside. Strowman is up at eight. Reigns hits the drive by. Reigns pulls a table from under the ring. Reigns tries another drive by. Strowman counters it into a clothesline. Reigns gets to his feet at nine. Strowman sets up a table in the ring. Reigns fires up and lands a flurry of strikes. Reigns picks up Strowman and hits a struggle Samoan drop through the table. Strowman rolls out of the ring to break the count. Reigns tries to run around the ring to charge up for a Spear.
Strowman launches a desk chair at Reigns. Reigns catches the chair… with his face. Reigns and Strowman battle into the crowd. Strowman stumbles over by the announce desk. Reigns hits a second drive by. Strowman rolls onto the stage and since he is off his feet the referee starts to count. Strowman manages to break the count. Reigns charges at Strowman. Strowman picks up Reigns and tosses him into the LED board. Strowman picks up Reigns and does it again. Strowman tries to power bomb Reigns through the announce table. Reigns reverses it and hits a Super Man punch. Reigns hits another Superman Punch. Reigns calls for the Spear. Strowman counters it with a boot. Strowman walks back to the ring. Reigns runs the length of the ramp and Spears Strowman! As the referee is counting Reigns leans up against the barricade. Samoa Joe appears out of nowhere and locks in the Coquina Clutch! Reigns is out cold. The referee starts to count again. Storwman pops to his feet at eight. Reigns can not answer the count.
Winner- Braun Strowman
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