WWE RAW Results (8/7): Roman Reigns Takes on Braun Strowman in a Last Man Standing Match, and More!

Ambrose misses a corner splash. Cesaro gets a near fall after a wind up European uppercut. Deadlift gut wrench suplex by Cesaro for a near fall. Ambrose back body drops Cesaro out of the Neutralizer. Cesaro double legs Ambrose. Cesaro tries to lock in the sharpshooter but Ambrose fights him off. Ambrose sends Cesaro to the outside. Ambrose tries a suicide dive but Ceasro cuts him off with a European uppercut. Cesaro tries a super plex but Ambrose Gord busters Cesaro off the top. Sheamus distracts Ambrose, which allows Cesaro to lock in the sharpshooter. Ambrose gets to the ropes. Cesaro hits the ropes but Ambrose back body drops him to the outside. Ambrose dives off the top onto Cesaro. Ambrose rolls Cesaro back into the ring. Ambrose goes up top. Sheamus gets on the apron. Ambrose tries to knock Sheamus off the apron. Cesaro tries to roll up Ambrose the same way Sheamus did to Rollins earlier. Ambrose counters and rolls up Cesaro for the win!

Winner- Dean Ambrose

After the match, Sheamus and Cesaro beat Ambrose down. Rollins hits the ring and makes the save. Ambrose gets to his feet and stares at Rollins. Ambrose thinks long and hard before sticking out his fist at Rollins. Rollins shakes his head and leaves the ring.

Akira Tozawa vs Ariya Daivari

Daivari works over Tozawa’s shoulder. Tozawa tries to fire up but Ariya Daivari sends Tozawa into the corner. Daivari locks in a full nelson. Top wrist lock by Daivari. Daivari runs right into a hurricanrana by Tozawa. Tozawa boots Daivari out of the ring. Suicide dive by Tozawa. Tozawa tries to slide between Daivari’s legs. Daivari cuts him off. Tozawa hits a back drop driver. Tozawa hits his top rope senton bomb for the victory.

Winner- Akira Tozawa


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