GFW Impact Results (8/3) Super X Cup Action Continues, The El Patrons vs LAX, Low-Ki Makes his Mark!

Mario Bokara, Fallah Bahh, and KM vs Suicide, Braxton Sutter, and Grado

Grado sends Bokara to the mat after a shoulder block. Sutter and Suicide hit the ring and dropkick Bahh and KM. Suicide sends KM to the outside. Sutter, Grado, and Suicide stomp on Bahh’s feet. Sutter dives to the outside onto the heels. Suicide hits the Suicide dive to the outside. Grado goes up top for a dive but Bokara pushes him off the top rope. The heels work over Grado. Bahh splashes Suicide. Sutter sends Bahh out of the ring. KM miffs on a pump handle slam. Sutter kicks KM in the face. Grado low bridges KM and gets the pin!

Winners- Suicide, Braxton Sutter, and Grado

After the match, Grado asks LVN to come to the ring. Park brings LVN to the ring. Grado gets on one knee. Before Grado can ask LVN to marry him, Kong Kong power plods to the ring. Grado hits a few lefts and rights. Grado hits the ropes but Kong picks Grado up and hits a dangerous looking island driver. Kong goes up top but LVN gets in his way and tells him not to do it. Park pulls Grado out of the ring. LVN leads Kong to the back.

Backstage, Konnan tells Random White Girl Number Five (his words, not mine) to shut up. Konnan says El Patron isn’t a man of his word. Now El Patron doesn’t even know if he can trust his own family.