WWE NXT Results (8/2) Johnny Gargano Returns, Moon and Asuka Go Face-To-Face, Kyle O’Reilly Takes on Aleister Black!

Aleister Black vs Kyle O’Reilly 

O’Reilly puts his fist up. Black slaps his fist as a sign of respect. O’Reilly goes for a leg kick. Black checks it. O’Reilly goes for a takedown. Black stuffs it. O’Reilly forces Black into the corner. Clean break. O’Reilly and Black both try more kicks, neither can get the advantage. O’Reilly takes Black down. O’Reilly locks in a triangle. Black rolls out of it and locks in a standing arm bar. O’Reilly lands a knee, then whips Black over with a headlock take over. Black reverses into a hammer lock. O’Reilly counters into a side headlock. Black attempts an O’Connor roll but O’Reilly hooks the top rope. O’Reilly elbows Black in the face. O’Reilly lands a kick. O’Reilly tries another but Black sweeps his leg. O’Reilly is sent flying in the process. Black sits cross-legged in the ring as O’Reilly tumbles to the mat. O’Reilly gets to his feet. O’Reilly tries a head kick but Black Matrix back to avoid it, then kips up to his feet. Black hits O’Reilly with the kitchen sink.

After a short break, Black kicks O’Reilly in the chest. Black only gets a two count. Black boots O’Reilly in the face. Black tries to suplex O’Reilly but O’Reilly knees him in the head. Strike combo by O’Reilly. O’Reilly sweeps Black’s legs. Arm breaker into modified power bomb into an ankle lock. O’Reilly and Black trade slaps. Black kicks O’Reilly over and over again to break the hold. Arm wrench driver by O’Reilly. Black is on his back as O’Reilly tries to pounce. Black fights O’Reilly off with a few kicks. O’Reilly cartwheels through Black’s guard and gains side control. O’Reilly tries to transition into ARMagedon but Black fights him off. O’Reilly clotheslines Black. O’Reilly and Black exchange kicks. O’Reilly takes Black down to the mat with a hammer lock. O’Reilly is working over Black’s arm and shoulder with multiple knees and kicks.
