Low Ki on Why WWE Hired Him, Similarities Between GFW and TNA’s Early Days, Who Was Responsible for His GFW Return and More

low ki

GFW star Low Ki recently spoke to Tom Feaheny, and the following highlights have been issued:

His return to GFW and how it came about he said:

“I didn’t expect to be in this position, I was actually transitioning away from wrestling at the start of the year so it has been a pleasant surprise. I was approached by Sonjay Dutt about returning he explained to me it was now a different environment, they were focusing more on what we do in the ring now.”

The similarities between GFW and early TNA:

“The atmosphere right now at Global is very similar to how it was at the start of TNA, Jeff is leading the way, it is now seen as a place that gives opportunities to younger professionals who want to make a name for themselves

Why he wears a suit while competing:

“I actually did it first time round as a silent protest in Japan, at New Japan, I didn’t realise it would get the attention that it did, you have to realise where your limitations lie because the stitching can limit you, my return in April was an unaltered suit so I had to figure out fast what I was capable of doing and what I wasn’t.”

His time in the WWE:

“It was never my goal to go there in the first place, they approached me at my height of my career in Japan. I was hired virtually on the spot due to Vince McMahon seeing me live, they brought me in and then treated like someone who was just there, it was an opportunity I took but it was what it was, I have seen things have changed but it’s still operated by the same person.”


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