Ricochet On His Current Contract Status with Lucha Underground, Why He Took a Shot at LU During NJPW G1 Special, Working with Rey Mysterio

Photo Credit: Wikipedia.org / Tabercil

Ricochet recently spoke with Sports Illustrated’s Extra Mustard and below are some interview highlights:

When ring ropes break mid-match:

“The ring ropes have broken on me four different times. I feel pretty comfortable when the ring breaks. It broke on me against Drew Gulak, broke on me again against AR Fox, and, of course, against Will Ospreay. Will Ospreay whispered to me, ‘What do we do?’ I laughed. What could we do? Just continue to do what we had planned. Will got to the point where he said, ‘Let’s just take the top rope off,’ so that’s what we did. People asked how I knew so instinctively to put the top rope down and then do a flip ‘off’ the top rope, but that’s my go-to when the ring breaks. We did all the same stuff, like springboards, off the second rope. That’s wrestling, expect the unexpected. It was actually pretty cool. We both said, ‘Screw it!’ when it broke, and we each did a double pump kick to each other. Early in the match, Will said, ‘These ropes are crap,’ and he was right, but we gave the best match we could give. I felt like we did really well adjusting.”

Current status with Lucha Underground and the promo he cut during the NJPW G1 Special:

“I don’t have any hard feelings against anyone at Lucha Underground. That was just me poking at them a little bit, you know? If I was really mad at them, I would have said something more meaningful than ‘pricks’. That’s not even that bad of an insult, it was just more me poking at them and ruffling some feathers. My contract finished last June. I’m on the no-compete for the rest of Lucha Underground’s season three, then I have 90 days after that. I can be on any TV as long as it’s not American TV. I can work indies, I can do iPPVs, most anything, really, just not on American TV. I’m not sure about a Season 4 with Lucha Underground. I’m busy until October, and I might take November off to heal up again. I really want to work on my diet and get myself in the best shape possible.”

Rey Mysterio:

“Rey is one of the most genuinely kind people in wrestling. I truly hope we have the chance to wrestle each other again. From ECW to WCW to WWE, I always looked up to this man. Even before Rey was my friend, he was my mentor. Rey is an inspiration, and I am lucky to call him my friend. He’s in the best shape he’s ever been, and he can still go better than anybody today. It’s an honor and a privilege to share a ring with him. I appreciate everything he’s done, and I cannot say ‘Thank you’ enough.”


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