GFW Impact Results (7/27): Alberto El Patron vs LAX in a Gauntlet Match!

Super X Cup Eddie Edwards vs Taiji Ishimori

Richard forces Ishimori in the corner. Richards gives Ishimori a clean break. After some chain wrestling Ishimori takes Richards down with spinning head scissors. Ishimori sends Richards to the outside. Ishimori tries a dive but Richards moves out of the way. Ishimori catches himself in the ropes and spins back into the ring. Richards grabs a chair but the referee takes it from him. Richards floors Ishimori with a stiff kick to the chest. Leg triangle by Richards. Richards tries to pin Ishimori but Ishimori kicks out. Indian death lock by Richards. Ishimori catches Richards with a springboard whoopie cushion. Headstand double foot stomp by Ishimori. Ishimori and Richard trade pins. Richards manages to lock in the ankle lock. Ishimori attempts a front flip head kick but Richards catches his foot and locks in another ankle lock. Ishimori breaks the hold. Richards misses the double foot stomp off the top. Richards tries a tombstone but Ishimori reverses it into a reverse lung blower. 450 splash by Ishimori for the win!

Winner- Taiji Ishimori

Backstage, Bruce Prichard says Matt Sydal will face Bobby Lashley at Destination X. The winner of that match will get whatever title match they desire.

Last Knockout Standing Match For the GFW and Impact Knockouts Championship: Sienna (c) w/KM vs Rosemary

As soon as the bell ring Rosemary attacks Sienna. Rosemary drives Sienna into the corner. After a flurry of elbow strikes, Rosemary slams Sienna head first into the corner. Rosemary splashes Sienna in the corner then launched her with an exploder suplex. Rosemary brings a table in the ring, much to KM’s chagrin. Rosemary sets the table up in the corner. Sienna tries to send Rosemary into the table but Rosemary puts the breaks on Sienna Samoan drop by Sienna.



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