Live Audio Wrestling’s Wai Ting Talks Ed Nordholm’s Broken Battle w/ The Hardys; Rumored Superstar Shake-Up

WrestleZone proudly presented the latest episode of our signature daily pro wrestling news podcast, WZ Daily, earlier today. It features Live Audio Wrestling’s Wai Ting as the co-host for the pro wrestling news discussion at the top of the show

You can find some of Wai’s comments transcribed below. Tomorrow’s episode of WZ Daily will feature Sean “X-Pac” Waltman as the co-host.

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On Ed Nordholm’s recent Sports Illustrated interview re-igniting the battle for the Broken Universe with The Hardys:

WT: I work for the Fight Network as well as Live Audio Wrestling which are both Anthem properties. So, full disclosure right there. I am fully aware of the situation and we have talked about it many times on the LAW. I know that the SI interview was probably done in response to the Justin Barrasso report that came out earlier this week. That was more pro-Hardy. I can say that I probably imagine, I don’t have any contact with Ed, I could say that I don’t think he is saying these things to piss people off. I think he probably saw that report from SI and Barrasso and something probably felt unsettling to him. That this side of the opinion of this topic is out there and he’s thinking, “Well, that’s not right, I’m going to have my say as well.” I think that’s what Ed intends to do. How it comes across to the audience, that’s a different story.

On the rumored Superstar Shake-Up happening after SummerSlam:

WT: Despite this being the second attempt at a brand split and being a year into it I would still say that the idea of the Draft or brand split… the details and the nuances of exactly how trades occur… none of that has really been treated with all that much tact and care. John Cena is a free agent but that’s never been fully explained. The idea that anyone can be a free agent then why is John Cena? Jason Jordan moves to RAW because he’s Kurt Angle’s son. Well, did he get anything in exchange? I think all of these are little details that deserve more creative put into them in order for the audience to really care about the whole thing.

The WZ Daily is released Monday-Friday around Noon EST on Eric Bischoff’s!

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Today’s episode of WZ Daily is hosted by Nick Hausman and features Live Audio Wrestling’s Wai Ting as his co-host.

The pro wrestling news topics from the last twenty-four hours that Nick & Wai discuss include:

  • The rumored Superstar Shake-Up happening after SummerSlam
  • Ed Nordholm’s Sports Illustrated interview throwing fuel on his broken battle with the Hardys
  • WWE’s Q2 2017 financial report
  • Dean Ambrose commenting that he, “Feels like crap”
  • Renee Young now working for both RAW and Smackdown Live as a backstage correspondent

You can listen to the latest episode of Bischoff on Wrestling in the embedded audio player below: