Sean Waltman On Shane McMahon’s Helicopter Emergency Landing
On the most recent edition of AfterBuzz TV’s X-Pac 12360, show host Sean Waltman discussed Shane McMahon’s helicopter emergency landing which took place yesterday.
Waltman also recalled the time he went Sky-Diving with Shane McMahon and had the following to say:
I went sky diving with Shane and Madusa (Alundra Blaze) I think I was 22. Shane and I are close to the same age. I was scared to death, and Shane was the first one out the door of the plane. He did a moonsault backwards. I watch the interview ( Helicopter accident) with the Pilot and Shane, he was unnerved and it doesn’t surprise me at all, not once did I think, “I hope he’s alright” I knew he was alright.
Borash on His Input in Total Deletion
As noted, Jeremy Borash conducted a media conference call yesterday, and during the call, which you can listen to in full at this link, Borash discussed the current ‘Broken Universe’ issue. On how much input he had in Total Nonstop Deletion, and the production of the Broken Hardys segments on Impact Wrestling television, Borash noted that the day to day execution of the Total Nonstop Deletion segments were handled by him and Matt Hardy.
Jeff Hardy’s Latest “Broken” Tease
In related news, as negotiations continue for The Hardys to use the “Broken Universe” gimmick on WWE TV, Jeff Hardy has posted the following, latest Broken tease:
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