John Cena on the Crazy Amount of Time He Spends ‘Manscaping’
John Cena recently spoke with PeopleStyle about his personal grooming routine, and below is a quote from Cena, revealing he spends up to 30 minutes per day shaving:
“I’m completely man-scaped from head to toe — from the ears down — so that takes a bit of time,” Cena told PeopleStyle, adding that he spends 30 minutes to an hour a day shaving. “I’m constantly trying to stay up on fine lines in my skin and that stuff, so I’m a lot more grooming-centric than you would realize. My routine is a lot more than you would think — I’d say it’s a strong 7 ½ out of 10.”
Karen Jarrett Posts Photo with Former WWE Champion Following GFW Report
As noted, former WWE Champion Rey Mysterio is reportedly in contract negotiations with both WWE and GFW.
Mysterio is currently under contract with Lucha Underground through season three of the show, which airs in September. Following the airing of season three, Mysterio will have a 90 day no compete clause with the company, after which he will be free to sign elsewhere.
GFW’s Karen Jarrett posted the following on Instagram featuring her hanging out with Mysterio on Tuesday night:
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