WWE RAW Results (7/17): Kurt Angle’s Secret Revealed, Samoa Joe vs Roman Reigns, Braun Strowman Returns!

Backstage, O’Neil explains to Tozawa the reason he had the match stopped is that he was worried about Tozawa’s future. Tozawa will have none of it. Tozawa says he wants a match against Daivari on 205 Live.

Number One Contenders Match: Roman Reigns vs Samoa Joe

Side headlock by Reigns. Joe hits the ropes for a shoulder block but Reigns doesn’t go down. Joe slaps Reigns. Reigns levels Joe with a shoulder block. Joe ends up on the outside. Joe tries to get in the ring but Reigns keeps knocking him off the apron with right hand after right hand. After a short break, Joe crushes Reigns with a running back elbow, followed by a falling enziguri for a near fall. Joe clenches Reigns and knees him in the face. Joe lands a few rights. Reigns surprises Joe with a roll up. Joe kicks out. Joe elbows Reigns in the face. Multiple Mongolian chops by Joe. Joe locks in a neck vice. Reigns tries to fight out of the hold. Joe flips Reigns over with a suplex. Joe goes back to the neck vice. Joe tries the uranage but Reigns counters and lands a clothesline. Multiple corner clotheslines by Reigns. Joe stumbles out of the corner. Reigns floors him with a running big boot. Reigns calls for the Superman punch but Joe rolls out of the ring. Reigns follows and attempts the drive-by. Joe moves and almost decapitates Reigns with a lariat. Reigns lands hard on the apron. Reigns stumbles to his feet. Joe charges in and eats a clothesline from Reigns.

Joe bad mouths Reigns. Reigns fires up and lands a flurry of punches. Joe tries to Samoan drop Reigns. Reigns reverses and hits a Samoan drop of his own. Joe kicks out. Joe picks up Reigns and inverted atomic drops him. Joe hits a running senton for a near fall. Joe tries to set up the uranage but Reigns fights Joe off and blasts him with the Superman punch. Joe somehow manages to kick out. A familiar ROAR blares through the arena’s PA system. Braun Strowman powerwalks to the ring. Strowman pulls Joe out of the ring. Reigns tries to attack Strowman before Strowman can attack him. Strowman picks up Reigns and tosses him back into the ring like a lawn dart. Joe gets to his feet and gets in Strowman’s face. Strowman and Joe start to brawl. Joe gets the advantage after multiple leg kicks. Joe tries to whip Strowman into the post but Strowman will not budge. Strowman short arm clotheslines Joe out of his boots. Back in the ring, Strowman splashes Reigns. Joe gets in the ring and eats a splash as well. Joe grabs Strowman and locks in the Coquina Clutch. Reigns Superman punches Strowman. Strowman falls on Joe int he corner. Joe releases the hold. Reigns charges at Strowman but Strowman destroys Reigns with a spine buster. Strowman running power slams Joe. Strowman picks up Reigns and hits him with a running power slam as well. Strowman is about to leave but he decides to come back and hit another running power slam on Reigns.

Winner- No contest

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