GFW Impact Results (7/13) The Super X Cup Continues, El Patron and Lashley Team Up to Face LAX!

In LAX’s hideout, Konnan says El Patron is a traitor. Konnan tells the rest of LAX to make sure El Patron and Lashley both leave on a stretcher.

Trevor Lee walks to the ring and says he is the new X-Divison champion. Lee says he is going to be the fighting champion that Sonjay Dutt was not. Lee puts over his hand-picked opponent, William Weeks. Lee tells the referee not to take the belt off his waist because he is afraid someone is going to try to steal it and Lee hates thieves.

Trevor Lee vs William Weeks

You already know what this is… Lee wins after the standing double foot stomp.

Winner- Trevor Lee

After being restrained by security backstage (for no apparent reason) Dutt hits the ring and beats down Lee. Lee manages to still leave with the stolen X-Division title.

Ava Storie vs Laurel Van Ness

Storie rolls up LVN but LVN kicks out. Storie locks in body scissors into multiple pinning attempts. Storie goes around the world with LVN. LVN stands up and falls right back down. Storie tries to get the pin but LVN kicks out. LVN whips Storie into the corner. LVN charges in as Storie gets her feet up. LVN catches Storie’s feet and pulls her off the ring post. The back of Storie’s head hits the mat hard. LVN chokes Storie in the ropes. LVN misses the curb stomp. Storie neck breakers LVN. LVN tries to leave. As LVN is walking up the ramp Storie follows and tosses LVN back in the ring. LVN knee Storie in the head as she is trying to get back in the ring. Hangman’s DDT by LVN. LVN curb stomps Storie for the win.

Winner- Laurel Van Ness

After the match, Grado and Park walk down to the ring. Grado introduces himself to LVN. Grado tells LVN she is the most beautiful creature he has ever laid eyes on. Grado complements LVN’s makeup (heh), her dress (heheh), and her teeth (hehehehe). Grado asks LVN if she would be interested in going out with him. The crowd chants, “Netflix and chill!” Grado asks LVN if she wants to Netflix and chill. Before LVN can answer, Kongo Kong hits the ring. Grado and Park leave ASAP.


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