Upcoming WWE PPV Match Possibly Scrapped
WWE has removed AJ Styles vs Kevin Owens for the U.S. Title from the WWE Battleground listing, as the status of the match is now up in the air following Styles’ title win at WWE MSG. The preview for tonight’s Smackdown Live notes the unexpected title win will be addressed on the show, along with the status of the Battleground match.
Big Cass on Facing Lesnar
Below is footage of Big Cass appearing on Raw Talk after WWE Great Balls of Fire last night. Cass says he believes he will be the next WWE Universal Champion, and wants a shot at Brock Lesnar as he believes he can go toe-to-toe with The Beast:
Sheamus Gets Medical Attention Following Iron Man Match
Matt Hardy was not the only Iron Man Match participant to need medical attention last night, as Sheamus was also attended to by the medical staff following the 30 minute bout: