Ambulance Match: Roman Reigns vs Braun Strowman
Reigns uppercuts Strowman. Strowman tosses Reigns across the ring. Strowman runs over Reigns. Strowman splashes Reigns in the corner. Hammer fist to Reigns’ heart. Reigns rolls to the outside. Strowman follows. Strowman tries to toss Reigns into the ring post but Reigns counters and sends Strowman shoulder first into the post. Reigns tries to retrieve Strowman but Strowman picks up Reigns and drives him back first into the ring post. Strowman whips Reigns into the ring steps. Strowman picks up the ring steps and hits Reigns with them multiple times. Strowman tosses the step at Reigns but Reigns moves out of the way. Reigns rolls into the ring. Strowman follows. Reigns tries to fire up but Strowman picks him up and hits a reverse chokeslam. Strowman attempts a running power slam but Reigns reverses it. Reigns calls for the Spear but Strowman gets his boot up. Strowman drops Reigns with a power slam. Strowman drags Reigns out of the ring. Strowman puts Reigns on his shoulder and starts to walk to the ambulance.
Reigns hits a struggle Samoan drop to Strowman. Strowman runs shoulder-first into the ring post. Reigns drive-bys Strowman’s injured elbow. Reigns grabs a chair and hits Strowman in the elbow with it. Reigns hits Strowman with the chair and Strowman pops up and stares daggers into Reigns. Reigns hits him three more times. Strowman is not phased. Strowman snatches the chair from Reigns and launches Reigns up the ramp. Strowman clears the announce desk and tries to powerbomb Riengs through it. Reigns counters but Strowman sends Reigns off the stage into the side of the ambulance. Strowman opens the back of the ambulance. Strowman retrieves Reigns and drags him over to the back of the ambulance. Reigns slams Strowman head first into the ambulance. Reigns tries to puts Strowman in the ambulance but Strowman picks him up and tries to stuff him in. Reigns hits a Superman punch. Strowman falls into the ambulance. Reigns tries to get Strowman in but Strowman kicks him away. Reigns hits another Superman punch. Strowman grabs a backboard out of the ambulance and hits Reigns with it.
Strowman throws Reigns up the ramp. Strowman tries to power slam Reigns into the LED board. Reigns reverses and sends Strowman straight through the LED board! It’s totally destroyed. Reigns gets up to one knee. Strowman crawls out of the whole in the side of the stage. Reigns looks on in utter disbelief. Reigns locks onto Strowman and starts to drag him towards the ambulance. Strowman pushes Reigns off the stage down to the floor. Reigns hits Strowman in the head with a light. Reigns tries to spear Strowman into the Ambulance. Strowman moves out of the way! Reigns flys right into the back of the ambulance. Strowman closes the doors.
Winner- Braun Strowman
After the match, Reigns burst out of the back of the ambulance and Spears Strowman. Reigns puts Strowman into the back of the ambulance. Reigns gets in and drives away. In the parking, lot Reigns drives the ambulance cab first into a parked semi. Kurt Angle and various officials try to get Strowman out of the back of it to no avail.