30-Minutes Iron Man Tag Team Title Match: Cesaro and Sheamus (c) vs The Hardy Boyz
Matt and Sheamus kick off the match. Cesaro runs into the ring and slides through Matt’s legs. Matt turns around and eats a Brogue kick! Matt’s out!
Sheamus and Cesaro-1 The Hardyz- 0
Jeff gets in the ring and lands some offensive before getting trapped in the heels corner. Jeff fights his way out of the corner and forces Sheamus into his corner. Matt tags in and lands a diving elbow to Sheamus. Matt tosses Sheamus to the outside. Matt grabs Sheamus by the head and slams it from one side of the apron to the other. Matt tosses Sheamus back into the ring. Matt tries the twist of fate but Sheamus blocks it. Matt hits a DDT instead. Jeff tags in and the Hardyz hit the spin cycle on Sheamus. A brawl breaks out between everyone on the outside of the ring. Sheamus eventually rolls Jeff back into the ring. Cesaro lands an axe handle on Jeff. Jeff kicks out. Cesaro holds down Jeff while Sheamus hits a top rope knee drop. Jeff kicks out. Sheamus locks in a key lock. Sheamus and Cesaro stomp Jeff out. Cesaro tosses Jeff to the outside. Cesaro wants the count out win. Jeff gets in the ring and almost tags in Matt but Sheamus cuts him off. Sheamus destroys Jeff with a power slam. Double elbow by Cesaro and Sheamus for another near fall.
Cesaro boots Matt off the apron. Jeff makes it tot he corner and Matt is nowhere to be found. Sheamus and Cesaro hit their finish on Jeff for yet another pinfall.
Sheamus and Cesaro-2 The Hardyz- 1
Cesaro and Sheamus are putting on a clinic. Sheamus goes for a running shoulder block but Jeff moves out of the way. Sheamus hits the ring post shoulder first. Jeff tags in Matt. Cesaro hits the ring. Matt drives Cesaro’s head into all three of the turnbuckles over and over again. Clothesline/bulldog combo by Matt. Cesaro kicks out. Elbow to the back of the head by Matt. Cesaro will not stay down for the pin. Poetry in motion by the Hardyz. Side effect by Matt. Twist of fate by Jeff for the pin!
Sheamus and Cesaro-2 The Hardyz- 1
Jeff hits a reverse suplex on Cesaro for a two count. Mule kick by Jeff. Wrecking ball dropkick by Jeff. Sheamus kicks out. Double suplex by the Hardyz. Cesaro breaks up the pin. Matt dumps Cesaro to the outside. The Hardys hit poetry in motion to the outside! Jeff takes out both Cesaro and Sheamus. As Matt is trying to get back in the ring, Cesaro grabs Matt and sends him head first into the ring post. Matt is counted out.
Sheamus and Cesaro-3 The Hardyz- 1
Cesaro works over Matt in the corner. Sheamus tags in and they both stomp Matt in the corner. Sheamus locks in a rear chin lock. Sheamus drops his knee into Matt’s spine over and over again. Ten beats of the Bohdan but Sheamus… ok, it was more like three beats of the Bohdan. Matt surprises Sheamus with a side effect. Matt falls on top of Sheamus. Sheamus kicks out. Cesaro hits the ring and boots Jeff off the apron. Cesaro puts Matt in the Sharpshooter. Jeff breaks up the hold. Sheamus pulls Jeff off the apron. Jeff lands face first. Cesaro puts Matt on the uppercut train. Matt tags in Jeff as Cesaro has his back turned. Matt backslides Cesaro. Jeff wraps up Cesaro for the pin!
Sheamus and Cesaro-3 The Hardyz- 2
Whisper in theWindd by Jeff for a near fall. Jeff sunset flips Sheamus for another near fall. Flying knee by Sheamus. Jeff tags in Matt. Matt plants Sheamus with a tornado DDT for a long two count. Matt calls for the Twist of Fate but Cesaro breaks it up. Sheamus sits Matt on the top rope. Matt knocks Sheamus off the top. Matt hits a top rope moonsault! Cesaro breaks up the pin in the nick of time! Sheamus goes up top. Matt cuts him off. Matt hits a Twist of Fate off the top rope! Sheamus is done.
Sheamus and Cesaro-3 The Hardyz- 3
Jeff tags in and goes up top for the swanton. Cesaro pulls Sheamus out of the ring. Jeff dives to the outside onto both of them! Jeff and Matt both dive off the top and land on Sheamus. Cesaro breaks up the pin again! Cesaro tags himself in. Jeff tags himself in as well. Jeff hits a swanton off the top onto Sheamus! But Sheamus isn’t the legal man! Cesaro pins Jeff!
Sheamus and Cesaro-4 The Hardyz- 3
Cesaro runs out of the ring (smart move). Jeff gives chase. Jeff hits the Twist of Fate but time runs out as he pins Cesaro.
Winners and STILL the Raw Tag Team Champions, Cesaro and Sheamus.
After the match, Cesaro and Sheamus celebrate on the ramp as the medical team checks on Matt, who was busted open.