the new day
(Photo by Ian Gavan/Getty Images)

Rapper Reveals Whether Or Not New Day Was Aware of Paige Reference Before Smackdown Rap Battle

mega man
(Photo by Ian Gavan/Getty Images)

Rapper Mega Ran, who was part of the entourage in last week’s Smackdown Live rap battle between The New Day and The Usos, recently spoke with Hip Hop DX about the battle.

As noted, one of the lines mentioned in the article, delivered by The Usos and aimed at Xavier Woods, took an indirect shot at Paige’s leaked private videos. The line was as follows:

“Let’s just keep it ‘PG,’ you know what’s good. Don’t get all ‘Rated-R,’ like ya boy Xavier Woods.”

Mega Ran clarified exactly how the entire battle went down, and had the following to say:

“For everybody who’s asking me, I did not write rhymes. I just kinda sat and listened. I helped them with their deliveries and getting down the cadence and stuff. …[The Usos] were able to write rebuttal lines. I felt it gave them an advantage. They might’ve gotten a little better crowd response, but they went a little below the belt to get it.

Although the producers of the segment requested both teams send in their rhymes for the script, only The New Day obliged. The Usos showed theirs to one producer, but made a point to not let The New Day see their bars, which referenced a salacious story involving Woods.”


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