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This second CSR video talking WWE Great Balls of Fire focuses on Brock Lesnar vs Samoa Joe.
Josh Isenberg: I think Samoa Joe and Brock Lesnar needs to go at least 17 to 20 minutes. This will be longest Brock’s had since triple threat match at Rumble or Mania match with Ambrose. You need this to go longer because end of the day Samoa Joe is going to be become a badass even if he loses. You don’t need Joe to win. You want him to because of being sick and tired of Lesnar part-time schedule and this is his first title defense since winning it in April. Build Brock up to SumnmerSlam and probably drop it. People are yelling for Joe to be Champion. If anyone deserves it, Joe or Braun Strowman who should know Brock off.
For more on this debate, check out the video below: