WWE RAW Results (7/3): Samoa Joe Confronts Brock Lesnar, Reigns Assaults Strowman, Final Hype for WWE Great Balls of Fire and More!

Intercontinental Title Match: The Miz (c) w/The Miztourage vs Heath Slater w/Rhyno

Slater takes down Miz and rides his back. Miz counters but Slater sends Miz over with an arm drag. Miz kicks Slater in the gut and locks in a side headlock. Slater sends Miz into the ropes but Miz floors Slater with a shoulder block. Back body drop by Slater for a near fall. Miz tries a hip toss but Slater blocks it and backslides Miz for a near fall. Modified cradle for another near fall by Slater. Miz surprises Slater with the kitchen sink. Miz misses a chop which allows Slater to land multiple strikes of his own. Slater destroys Miz with a HUGE inverted atomic drop. Miz rolls out of the ring to gather himself. After a short break, Miz hits the Miz combo for a two count. Miz splits his pants in the process. Miz and Slater trade punches. Miz kicks Slater in the knee and DDTs him for another long two count. Miz grabs Slater by his legs and slingshots him into the bottom rope. Miz dumps Slater to the outside.

Dallas and Axel try to pounce on Slater but Rhyno cuts him off. Miz grabs Slater and tosses him back into the ring. Miz lands the IT kicks. Miz misses the last kick and Slater drops him with a flapjack. Slater fire up and floors Miz with a running knee. Miz drives Slater into the corner but Slater rolls him up. Miz kicks out. Slater hits a huge neck breaker for another near fall. Slater misses a corner strike which allows Miz to hit the Miz clothesline. Miz goes up top. Slater hops to his feet and power slams Miz off the top rope! Axel gets on the apron. Rhyno pulls him down. Rhyno almost runs into Maryse but he stops himself. Dallas and Axel attack Rhyno. While Slater is distracted Miz catches him with the Skull Crushing Finale for the win.

Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion, The Miz!

After the match, Dallas and Axel beat down Slater. Ambrose hits the ring to make the save. The numbers are too much as Dallas and Axel drop Ambrose with a backdrop/neck breaker combo. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Ambrose.


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