WWE RAW Results (7/3): Samoa Joe Confronts Brock Lesnar, Reigns Assaults Strowman, Final Hype for WWE Great Balls of Fire and More!

In Ring Segment: Miz TV

Miz is in the ring with Maryse, Bo Dallas, and Curtis Axel. Miz says he exposed the Ball family for what they are. Overexposed and over hyped. Miz says Lonzo Ball will be the biggest bust in NBA history. Ball will go on to disappoint more fans than Steve Nash did (they are in Arizona). Miz goes on and on about how Lavar Ball is a lunatic, especially if he wants Dean Ambrose to represent the Big Baller Brand. The only thing Ambrose represents is underachievement. When Ambrose first arrived everyone thought he was going to be the next Roddy Pipper. The truth is Ambrose can’t handle success. Anytime Ambrose was a top guy he crumbled under the pressure. Ambrose can make all the jokes he wants but the biggest joke of them all is Dean Ambrose.

Ambrose walks out on the stage and says after the trainwreck last week he thought there would never be another Miz TV. Ambrose says everything Miz said was true. Since Miz knows him so well, he must know that Ambrose doesn’t care that Miz has two bodyguards. Ambrose may just come down to the ring and beat Miz’ A$$ anyway. Ambrose says he wants his rematch for the IC title tonight! As Ambrose walks down the ramp, Heath Slater and Rhyno come out. Slater says the last man to beat Miz in the ring wasn’t Ambrose, it was him. Slater says he has never gotten a title shot and he has been here for eight years. Slater has a family and he’s got kids. Slater says it boils down to the fact that he wants this opportunity, he needs this opportunity, and he has earned this opportunity… for his kids. Ambrose tells Slater to go to the back of the line. Miz says Ambrose will get his shot when he gives it to him. Miz tells Slater isn’t getting a shot period. Kurt Angle’s music hits a

Kurt Angle’s music hits and he joins the proceedings. Angle tells Miz doesn’t get to say when and where he competes, Angle does. Miz tells Angle to mind his business and go talk to Graves about his personal problems. Angle tells Miz to watch his mouth. Miz says or what? Miz says Angle can’t touch him because he IS Raw. He IS the rating spike. Miz adds that he will do Angle a favor and he will defend the title at Great Balls of Fire, he just needs to know who it will be against. Angle says Miz is going to face Ambrose at the PPV and defend the title against Slater right now! Miz is livid. He is wearing a crisp and clean white Fourth of July suit.


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