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In Ring Segment: Cedric Alexander says he sounds like a broken record. He has told Noam Dar over and over again he is done with them. This is what’s going to happen: Dar is going to walk down to the ring and Alexander is going to send him back to Alicia Fox with a matching neck brace.

Cedric Alexander vs Noam Dar w/Alicia Fox

As soon as the bell ring Alexander is all over Dar. Alexander hits a springboard clothesline. Dar rolls out of the ring. Alexander tries to retrieve Dar but Fox stands in his way. Dar gets back in the ring. Alexander attempts his backflip head scissors but Dar kicks Alexander square in the face. Dar locks in an armbar. Fox gets on the apron Alexander is distracted. Dar rolls up Alexander but Alexander rolls through and hits the Lumbar Check for the win.

Winner- Cedric Alexander