WWE RAW Results (7/3): Samoa Joe Confronts Brock Lesnar, Reigns Assaults Strowman, Final Hype for WWE Great Balls of Fire and More!

Sasha Banks and Bayley vs Alexa Bliss and Nia Jax

Bayley and Jax start the match. Jax headbutts Bayley. Jax dumps Bayley to the apron. Jax grabs Bayley by the head and drops her to the mat. Jax drags Bayley back int he ring. Bayley lands a few dropkicks but Jax tosses her into the corner. Bayley tags in Banks. Double dropkicks by the faces. Banks tries to leapfrog over Jax but Jax catches her. Banks counters and dropkicks Jax out of the ring. As Jax is getting in the ring she tosses Bayley off the apron into the barricade. Bayley is laid out on the barricade. Jax runs right into her. Banks and referee check on Banks as we cut to a commercial.

After the break, Banks is choking Bliss in the corner. Near fall by Banks. Banks is alone at this point. Bayley seems to no longer be at ringside. Banks kicks Bliss in the head. Banks misses a double knee strike int he corner. Bliss tags in Jax who obliterates Banks with a back breaker. Bliss is back in, choking Banks on the middle rope. Jax is back in. Jax picks up Banks and locks in a sick bear hug. Banks tries to elbow her way out of it. Jax tosses Banks all the way across the ring. Bliss tags back in and stands on Banks’ back. Bliss stomps on the back of Banks’ head. Banks tries to fire up but Bliss kicks her int he gut. Bliss stands on Banks’ hair while pulling her arms. Bliss misses insult to injury. Banks kicks Jax in the knee. Jax falls off the apron. Banks puts Bliss in the Banks Statement. Bliss has no choice but to tap out.

Winners- Sasha Banks and Bayley


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