Impact Wrestling Results (6/29) Huge Eight Man Tag Match Main Event, Final Hype for Slammiversary!

Eli Drake and Chris Adonis  vs. Mumbai Cats

This is a total squash match. Drake hits his finish on Mumbai Cat #1 for the win.

Winners- Eli Drake and Chris Adonis

King Mo will be in Lashley’s corner at the PPV.

Mumbai Street Fight: Rockstar Spud vs Swoggle

Spud beats down Swoggle before the match stats.  Swoggle throws powder in Spud’s face. Swoggle throws Spud face-first into the review screen. Swoggle throws random junk at Spud. Spud levels Swoggle with a trash can shot to the head.

Spud grabs a table from under the ring. Swoggle gets up but Spud obliterates him with a trash can lid. Spud tries a powerbomb butSwoggle bites him on the hand.  Right hand by Swoggle followed by a headbutt. Swoggle lands multiple headbutts. Spud manages to kick Swoggle in the gut. Spud grabs a mic and tells Swoggle that he meant to pull down his pants. After some referee shenanigans, Swoggle pantses Spud. Swoggle hits a fallaway slam through a table for the win!

Winner- Swoggle

During another training montage, Jeremey Borash tells Joseph Park he needs to unleash his inner monster. Park is confused. JB hands Park an Abyss action figure.


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