Photo Credit: Christopher Forgie

Chris Jericho Shares Death Of WCW Moment, Latest Episode Of Triple Threat Podcast w/ Shane Douglas, WZ Daily Cancelled Today

Photo Credit: Christopher Forgie
Photo Credit: Christopher Forgie

Chris Jericho Shares Death Of WCW Moment

Chris Jericho has shared the following photo on Instagram of one of the final checks he received from WCW worth fifteen cents and comments on the end of the company:

Related: Chris Jericho Facing Top NXT Star at WWE Japan Event

Latest Episode Of Triple Threat Podcast w/ Shane Douglas

The third episode of The Triple Threat Podcast with former ECW World Champion Shane Douglas is now available.

It features Shane talking with The Two Man Powertrip of Pro Wrestling about his thoughts on anonymous sources, America’s PC culture, the issue of wrestler’s getting access to insurance, KISS in WCW and more…

You can listen to the latest episode below. A new episode is released every Monday morning exclusively on Eric Bischoff’s

WZ Daily Cancelled Today

Today’s episode of WZ Daily featuring myself and co-host Kid Cadet has been cancelled due to travel complications. I’ll be back in Chicago tonight and we’ll have brand new episodes of WZ Daily being released at Noon-ish EST through Friday.

Here are the list of co-hosts for the rest of the week, Kid Cadet will return early next week as co-host, apologies Kid!: