Football Player Talks WWE Tryout
As noted, WWE recently held tryouts at the WWE Performance Center, and they included former SEC football player Amarlo Herrera, who was drafted by the Indianapolis Colts in the sixth round of the 2015 NFL Draft.
Clayton News-Daily recently spoke to Herrera, who had the following to say on the tryouts:
“The experience was something special,” Herrera said. “It was something different for me and something out of my comfort zone. We got coached by their training staff down at NXT and by some WWE legends and some that are in the Hall of Fame.
“I wouldn’t say that this could replace my passion for football. I’m not done playing football yet and I’m not a wrestler yet. But this can also be something that I could fall in love with just as much and make a career out of if I’m given the chance to.”
James Ellsworth Rips Daniel Bryan’s MITB Decision
James Ellsworth went on another Twitter tirade following Smackdown GM Daniel Bryan’s decision to strip Carmella of her Money in the Bank briefcase:
This is unacceptable, @WWEDanielBryan can’t do this, @CarmellaWWE is Ms. #MITB, I’ll see you tonight on #TalkingSmack GM this isn’t over DUH pic.twitter.com/NRZf4iyziI
— James Ellsworth (@realellsworth) June 21, 2017
It was beyond ridiculous of @WWEDanielBryan stripping @CarmellaWWE of #MITB total abuse of power by the #SDLive GM #JusticeForCarmella
— James Ellsworth (@realellsworth) June 21, 2017
Ridiculous, @WWEDanielBryan this isn’t @WWE2K17_ you can’t just push the reset button and start the whole thing over, and it let me play https://t.co/rGwmUV7d55
— James Ellsworth (@realellsworth) June 21, 2017
I haven’t slept, what @WWEDanielBryan did to @CarmellaWWE was WRONG #Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh #JusticeForCarmella #SDLive #MITB
— James Ellsworth (@realellsworth) June 21, 2017
I apologize for nothing I said or did this past week, @CarmellaWWE is the only TRUE friend I’ve had @WWE I have her back #JusticeForCarmella
— James Ellsworth (@realellsworth) June 21, 2017
Fan Stops Traffic For Selfie with The Rock
The Rock has posted the following on Instagram, featuring a fan stopping him in traffic to get a selfie. The video was also picked up by ESPN’s SportsCenter today: