WWE RAW Results (6/19): Joe Takes on Reigns, Strowman Returns, Enzo and Big Cass’ Attacker Revealed!

Raw Tag Team Champions Cesaro and Sheamus vs Titus O’Neil and Apollo Crews

Crews dropkicks Cesaro. Cesaro hits a European uppercut before tagging in Sheamus. Sheamus picks up Crews and lands a rolling senton. Sheamus locks in a headlock. Sheamus throws Crews into the corner. Cesaro and Sheamus stomp Crews in the corner. Crews tags in Titus. Titus cleans house. Crews tags in and hits a standing moonsault on Sheamus. Crews rolls up Sheamus. Sheamus kicks out and Crews ends up on the second rope. Cesaro European uppercuts him from the outside of the ring. Cesaro and Sheamus hit their finisher for the win.

Winners- Cesaro and Sheamus

Nia Jax vs Sasha Banks

Alexa Bliss comes out for commentary for the match.

Banks hits the double knees off the top. Emma walks up behind Bliss at the desk and yells at her about walking away during their tag match. Emma and Bliss start to brawl and end up in the ring. Bliss hides behind Jax. Jax grabs Bliss and gives her to Emma. Emma tries to kick Bliss but Bliss moves out of the way. Emma accidentally kicks Jax. A huge brawl breaks out. Mickie James and Dana Brook hit the ring but are quickly dispatched by Jax. Bayley runs in and the cleans house.


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