WWE RAW Results (6/19): Joe Takes on Reigns, Strowman Returns, Enzo and Big Cass’ Attacker Revealed!

Miz TV-

Miz is in the ring with two bears and a big red gift box. Miz says his guest tonight is his wife Maryse. Miz tells Maryse not to worry about the bears because he checked them out himself. Miz tries to kiss Maryse but she turns her head. Miz apologizes for destroying the grandfather clock she bought him and for knocking her off the apron last week. Miz tells Maryse to open the gift she gave him. Miz says all of those nights Maryse made him sleep on the couch her was watching youtube videos on how to fix grandfather clocks. He used tape and glue to fix the gift she gave him. Miz give Maryse a heartfelt apology. Maryse leans to kiss Miz but Dean Ambrose walks down to the ring. As soon as Ambrose gets in the ring Miz pulls Maryse in front of him as a shield. The champagne Maryse was holding spills all over her. Miz tries to attack Ambrose but Ambrose moves out of the way. Miz runs right into the grandfather clock, destroying it again. Maryse takes a swing at Miz and leaves the ring. Ambrose almost hits dirty deeds but Miz scurries away. Ambrose clotheslines Miz over the top rope. The two bears in ring beat down Ambrose. The bears are actually  Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Ambrose.

Backstage, Kurt Angle is talking to Big Show.


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