WWE RAW Results (6/19): Joe Takes on Reigns, Strowman Returns, Enzo and Big Cass’ Attacker Revealed!

Back at the commentary desk, Graves says he just wants to take a moment to heap praise on Angle as the Raw GM.

During a backstage interview, Samson attacks Bálor. Samson tells Baálor not to upstage him again. Brother Devon runs in and tells Samson to back away and calls for help.

Akira Tozawa vs TJP

Before the match starts Titus O’Neil walks to the ring and does a proper ring announcement for Tozawa and TJP.

Tozawa locks in a side headlock. TJP counters into a headlock of his own. Tozawa and TJP trade pin attempts. TJP reverses an armbar into a head-scissor takeover. TJP dabs on Tozawa. TJP lands a few strikes but Tozawa surprises him with a hurricanrana. TJP attempts a sunset flip but Tozawa floats over and obliterates TJP with a soccer ball kick. Neville walks out on the ramp and says he is out here to watch Tozawa.

After a short break, TJP bodyslams Tozawa, then hits a halo into the ring for another near fall. Tozawa tries to fire up but TJP cuts him off. TJP tries a back suplex but Tozawa counters and hits a pump kick to TJP’s face. Tozawa goes up top but TJP rolls out of the ring. Tozawa hits a suicide dive to the outside. Tozawa rolls TJP back into the ring. TJP begs off. TJP trip Tozawa into the corner. Chicken wing gut buster by TJP for a near fall. Tozawa catches TJP with a kick then hits a top rope senton bomb for the win!

Winner- Akira Tozawa

After the match, Titus says… stuff. Neville tells Titus to watch it tongue. Neville calls Titus a peasant and tells Tozawa to tread carefully. If Tozawa isn’t careful he won’t be able to bend a knee, he will get annihilated. Titus says the Neville is going to end up feeling the powa of Tozawa!


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