WWE RAW Results (6/19): Joe Takes on Reigns, Strowman Returns, Enzo and Big Cass’ Attacker Revealed!

Goldust Presents a Shattered Dreams Production. Goldust tells us (and Mr. Duville) that he is ready for his close-up. Goldust formally invites R-Truth to the debut of his latest motion picture- Shattered Dreams. You will laugh, you will cry, and you will never forget the name: Goldust. The Golden Age has returned.

In Ring Segment: Elias Samson

Samson starts to play his guitar. Samson stops and says he has to tune it. Samson proceeds to start tuning his guitar in the middle of the ring. He needs complete silence to finish this. Samson threatens to sit in the ring all day if he has to to get this done. In a sign that there is clearly a god, Finn Bálor’s music hits and he walks to the ring. Samson gets in Baálor’s face but eventually just walks away.

Finn Bálor vs Bo Dallas

As Bálor is taking off his coat, Dallas attacks him. The referee asks Bálor if he can continue. Bálor says yes and the referee rings the bell. Dallas tosses Bálor out of the ring. Dallas hits a running knee to Bálor’s face as he is laying on the barricade. Dallas throws Bálor back into the ring. Bálor hits the overhead kick to stun Dallas. Bálor stomps Dallas. Bálor clotheslines Dallas over the top rope. Bálor almost decapitates Dallas with the penalty kick off the apron. Bálor slams Dallas into each barricade. Slingblade by Bálor. Bálor hits the torpedo dropkick followed by the double foot stomp off the top for the win.

Winner- Finn Bálor