WWE Cruiserweight Austin Aries recently spoke with USA Today’s “For The Win” section and below are some interview highlights:
The main takeaway from his newly launched book titled “Food Fight: My Plant Powered Journey from the Bingo Halls to the Big Time”:
“The book is about food awareness and digging a little deeper into what’s in front of us. It’s not about any certain type of a diet or necessarily becoming a vegan. It’s about taking another look at food, where it’s coming from and what it’s doing to us and realize we all have a choice in that.”
On WWE 205 Live:
“I preach to everybody — whatever their opinion is — that patience is the key. I know that’s now how people nowadays digest entertainment. When you’re trying to build a new brand and introduce new characters and help them find themselves and connect with the audience, it takes time. … I feel like if people don’t place their own expectations on what they think it should be and enjoy it for what it is and watch it as it evolves and what it will become, the process would be more enjoyable for everybody.
“Neville is a highly accomplished guy who is as talented as any guy in the company and my accolades speak for themselves and I have some name notoriety from being in the game a while. If we’re able to stabilize it – and that includes Brian Kendrick and bringing in Tajiri for a short time – to allow time for some of those guys who will make their names over the next 10 years, that’s a winning formula.”