News on Sonjay Dutt and Jinder Mahal Title Wins
For those wondering, The Wrestling Observer Newsletter is reporting Sonjay Dutt winning the X Division Title from Low Ki in India was not related to WWE currently pushing Jinder Mahal as Champion. Impact reportedly had plans in place to give Dutt a title run back in March, prior to WWE’s push of Jinder Mahal.
WWE Changes Great Balls of Fire Logo
WWE has changed the logo for the upcoming Great Balls of Fire PPV, and while unconfirmed, the decision might have been made following numerous fan critiques of the previous logo looking phallic:
#WWE changes the Great Balls of Fire logo to the one pictured on the right. I wonder why? pic.twitter.com/CI5o0rL6Dg
— WrestleZone.com (@WRESTLEZONEcom) June 9, 2017
Why John Cena Has Grown His Hair Out
Nikki Bella has posted her latest Q&A video on YouTube, and during the video Bella reveals John Cena has been growing out his hair for his role in the upcoming movie “The Pact”: