JR On How WWE Has Handled Jinder Mahal
Jim Ross posted on his blog at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some highlights:
“I’m a fan of the decision to make Jinder Mahal the WWE Champ, but I feel that his random utilization of his Singh sidekicks might be overdone. Nonetheless, the former Bollywood Boys take a helluva, ass whipping. Enjoying the villains getting success, which generally adds to the build of most storylines within the genre. If I were to err in booking, and I have plenty of times, I’d suggest erring on the side of antagonist angst more often than not. ‘Heat’ is good.”
Nikki Bella and John Cena Date Night
Below is a new Nikki Bella video, featuring Bella getting ready for “date night” with John Cena:
Randy Orton vs Christian Money in the Bank 2011
Below is the full WWE Money in the Bank 2011 Title match featuring Christian vs Randy Orton: