WWE 205 Live Results (6/6): Neville Defends Cruiserweight Title Against TJ Perkins, Noam Dar vs Cedric Alexander & More

wwe 205 live results

WWE 205 Live Results
June 6, 2017
Report by Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

Naom Darr is out to start the night, and announces that Alicia Fox isn’t here tonight. He goes on rambling about Alicia Faaaawwwwks until Cedric Alexander mercifully cuts him off for our first match of the evening. Looks like we’re going to get some minor amount of payoff to their old love triangle program.


Cedric starts out in control, but Dar begs off into the ropes to force a ropebreak. He follows up with a series of dropkicks and Dar rolls to the floor to take a breather, but got caught with a huge right hand a series of chops, then connected with a moonsault off the apron to take them both down. Rolling back into the ring, Dar hit him with a facebuster landing hard on his nose, then immediately dropped into an armbar to slow things down. After a few minutes Cedric fired back with a stiff elbow that nearly knocked out his opponent, then came out of nowhere with a nice spinning roundhouse kick. Alexander climbed the ropes and connected with a flying lariat, but only picked up two-and-a-half. He went to the well with another spinning kick, but Dar saw it coming and planted him with a high knee and a roll-up for another nearfall. Dar tried to put it away but got caught with a sick boot to the corner, then hit the Lumbar Check and picked up the win.

Winner: Cedric Alexander


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