WWE NXT Results (5/31): Ciampa Speaks Out, Strong and Ohno Battle SAnitY in the Main Event!

Kassius Ohno and Rodrick Strong vs SAnity

After a tackle/dropdown spot, Strong picks up Young and drops him with a uranage into a back breaker. Young tags in Wolfe, who runs right into a leg lariat by Strong. Strong and Ohno hit dual running elbows int he corner to Wolfe. Wolfe tags in Young who eats a pump kick by Ohno. Ohno gets whipped into the ropes but Ohno front flips to the apron. Ohno boots Young in the face and destroys Wolfe with a right hand. Dain trips Ohno on the apron to give Young and Wolfe the advantage. Backbreaker/diving elbow combo by SAnity. Young dumps Ohno to the outside. While the referee has his back turned, Dain levels Ohno on the outside of the ring.

After a short break, Young and Wolfe are taking turns beating down Ohno in their corner. Ohno manages to surprise Young with an enziguri. Wolfe tags in by Ohno manages to tag in Strong. Strong hits a boot and an Angle slam to Wolfe. Strong back breakers Young on the apron. Strong gets back int he ring and hits the C-4 on Wolfe. Wolfe gets his foot on the rope to break the pin. Young gets a blind tag. While Strong is dealing with Wolfe, Young hits a neck breaker on Strong. Strong kicks out. Wolfe rolls into the ring but Ohno almost decapitates him with a roaring elbow. Dain gets on the apron but No Way Jose runs down to the ring and assaults Dain. Strong hits the end of heartache on Young for the win!

Winners- Kassius Ohno and Rodrick Strong

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