WWE RAW Results (5/29): Huge Triple Threat Match, Reigns Takes on Rollins, Final Hype for Extreme Rules!

Samoa Joe vs Finn Bálor vs Bray Wyatt

Wyatt rolls out of the ring. Bálor tosses Joe out of the ring. Joe grabs Wyatt and tosses him in the ring with Bálor. Bálor beats Wyatt down in the corner. Head kick by Bálor. Joe breaks up Bálor’s pin attempt. Wyatt throws Bálor to the outside. Wyatt tries to focus on Joe but Bálor attacks him from behind. Wyatt catches Bálor with the cross body block from hell. Wyatt sits Bálor on the top rope. Joe grabs Wyatt and tosses him over the top rope. Joe sets up a superplex. Wyatt gets back in the ring and power bombs Joe off the top while Joe superplexes Bálor. Wyatt grabs Bálor for sister Abigail. Joe grabs Wyatt from behind and puts Wyatt in the Coquina clutch. Bálor kicks Joe in the face to break the hold. Joe and Wyatt fight on the outside of the ring. Bálor dives to the outside with a topé con hilo.

After a short break, Wyatt and Joe double shoulder block Bálor. Wyatt chokes Bálor on the top rope as Joe watches. Bálor fires up but Wyatt cuts him off. Joe crushes Bálor in the corner. Wyatt does the same. Joe hits an inverted atomic drop, big boot, running senton combo. Wyatt attacks Wyatt from behind.Wyatt tries to hit a uranage but Bálor reverses it and hits a pellé kick. Wyatt gets to his feet. Bálor elbows Wyatt in the head. Bálor penalty kicks Joe square in the jaw. Torpedo dropkicks Wyatt, then Joe. Bálor rolls Joe back into the ring. Bálor charges Joe in the corner but Joe spikes him with a uranage in the corner. Bálor trips up Joe and lands a double foot stomp. Wyatt gets back in the ring and eats a double foot stomp as well. Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch. Wyatt grabs Joe and hits Sister Abigail. Sling blade followed by a torpedo dropkick by Bálor to Wyatt. Bálor mounts the top rope and obliterates Wyatt with the coup de grâce. Joe gets in the ring and tosses Bálor into the ring post. Joe pins Wyatt.

Winner- Samoa Joe


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