WWE RAW Results (5/22): Big Tag Team Main Event, Bálor vs Anderson, Heyman Returns, Hardys Pick Extreme Rules Stipulation & More!

After the break. Samson has Ambrose locked in a cobra clutch. Ambrose fires up but Samson cuts him off with a clothesline. Samson latches onto Ambrose’s arm with a Fujiwara armbar. Ambrose gets to his feet. After a kick to the gut, Ambrose lands a neck breaker. After a strike exchange, Ambrose goes up top and dives off. Samson catches him with a flying knee to the face. Ambrose kicks out. Ambrose levels Samson with the rebound lariat. The Miz runs down to ringside and gets in the ring. Instead of attacking Ambrose he hits Samson in the back to cause a DQ.

Winner- Elias Samson

After the match, Ambrose chases Miz around the ring. Ambrose grabs Miz by his jacket. Samson attacks Ambrose from behind. Samson hits the roll of the dice on Ambrose.

Backstage, Big Cass is being lead somewhere by a referee. They find Enzo laid out on the floor. Big Cass is losing it and being generally unsafe with someone who potentially has a head and neck injury (lol).

After a commercial break, Angle and more referees are with Big Cass and Enzo. Enzo says he got jumped from behind. Angle tells Enzo he will find out who did this. Big Cass tells Angle he better hopes Angle finds out who did this before Big Cass does.