Backstage, Neville tells TJP good work. TJP says that he won but he still hasn’t gotten what he wants. Neville says TJP will get his shot after TJP ends Aries once and for all.
Seth Rollins vs Bray Wyatt
Rollins grabs a side headlock. Wyatt levels Rollins with a shoulder block. Rollins whips Wyatt over with a snap mare followed by a kick to the back of the head. Wyatt misses his flying body block and ends up flying to the outside. Rollins springboards onto Wyatt on the outside. Rollins hops on the barricade and dives off but Wyatt catches Rollins out of the air and uranage suplexes him on the barricade. After the break, Rollins goes up top. Wyatt cuts him off. Wyatt hits an inverted rope hang stunner for a near fall. Wyatt sets Rollins on the top rope. Rollins tries to fight Wyatt off but Wyatt takes Rollins over with a superplex. Wyatt and Rollins brawl in the middle of the ring. Sling blade by Rollins. Rollins complete shots Wyatt into the turnbuckle. Rollins hits a springboard clothesline for a near fall. Rollins and Wyatt both try to suplex each other. Rollins hits the ropes and runs right into a clothesline for a near fall by Wyatt. Uranage by Wyatt for another near fall. Wyatt calls for sister Abigail but Rollins reverses it into a roll-up. Wyatt kicks out. Michinoku driver for a long two count by Rollins. Rollins goes up top but Wyatt rolls to the outside. Rollins dives to the outside onto Wyatt. Samoa Joe appears and beats down Rollins.
Winner- Seth Rollins (DQ)
After the match, Joe continues to beat down Rollins. Wyatt gets in Joe’s face. They both stomp Rollins. Wyatt pushes Joe away. Wyatt holds Joe back. Joe lets his guard down and Wyatt hits him with sister Abigail. Wyatt picks up Rollins and sister Abigails him as well.
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