Photo Credit: Ring of Honor

Jay Lethal Comments On The Best Part Of Working For ROH, Never Working For WWE, Catching Ric Flair Off Guard

Ring of Honor star Jay Lethal recently spoke with Mike Mooneyham for the Post and Courier; you can read a few excerpts below:

Jay Lethal comments on his name coming up as someone who ‘should be’ working for WWE, and why he hasn’t: 

“It’s funny. When I got into the wrestling business, all I wanted to do was wrestle for WWE. That was a major goal for everyone from my generation. I’m not saying that’s something that I would not want to do, but along the way I sort of re-prioritized some things.”

“With that said, if I never got to work for WWE, I wouldn’t be too upset. I wouldn’t feel that my career wasn’t complete. I think that I’ve made it. And that’s something that a lot of wrestlers struggle with.”

Lethal comments on cutting promos with Ric Flair in TNA, catching him off guard: 

“I think the coolest part about it to him was that out of all the promos that we cut, nothing was rehearsed. He refuses to go over promos ahead of time. It was all off the cuff. I had to first hear what he was going to say live out there and then react to it. That’s what really caught him off guard.”

“I hit him with one of his lines that he never really used that much. But he did use it way back when. Not many people even remember the line because it wasn’t a famous Ric Flair line. His line was ‘Jumping on is a lot easier than jumping off.’ When I said that, you should have seen his eyes light up. I could tell I caught him off guard for a second, and all he could say was ‘Wow!’”

Lethal talks about the best part of working for Ring of Honor: 

“The coolest part about Ring of Honor, at least from a wrestler’s standpoint, is something that I don’t think the fans will ever fully grasp. It’s something that happens backstage. It’s the fact that you can present an idea or something that you would like to do, and not only do they really think about it and consider it, but nine times out of 10 they let you run with it because they feel like if this is something that you want to do, then obviously you’ll put your all into it to prove that your ideas are great. So far for every company that I’ve ever wrestled for, that has never happened to me. I’ve never had a chance to do that.”


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