WWE RAW Results (5/8): Tag Team Turmoil, Dean Ambrose Takes on Bray Wyatt in the Main Event!

Bray Wyatt vs Dean Ambrose

The Miz is out for commentary.

Wyatt and Ambrose lock up. Wyatt forces Ambrose into the corner, then throws him to the mat. Wyatt misses a corner splash. Ambrose tries to attack Wyatt but Wyatt hangs backward in the corner and Ambrose is taken aback. Wyatt beats down Ambrose. Ambrose Sends Wyatt to the outside. Suicide dive by Ambrose. Wyatt hits a suplex through the ropes. After the break, Wyatt crushes Ambrose in the corner with a splash. Wyatt kicks Ambrose in the back over and over again. Wyatt misses a top rope senton. Ambrose lands a clothesline followed bu a running elbow in the corner. Ambrose goes up top but Wyatt rolls out of the ring. Ambrose dives off the top onto Wyatt. Miz and Maryse walk to ringside. Wyatt grabs Ambrose for sister Abigail but Ambrose counters. Wyatt picks up Ambrose and destroys him with a uranage.

Wyatt tries to suplex Ambrose off the top. Ambrose headbutts Wyatt off the top. Ambrose dives off the top but Wyatt catches Ambrose with a right hand. Ambrose rebounds off the ropes and blasts Wyatt with a clothesline. Miz grabs the IC title and poses with it. Ambrose dives through the ropes onto Miz. Miz hits Ambrose in the back with the title. Wyatt hits sister Abigail for the win.

Winner- Bray Wyatt

After the match, Miz beats down Ambrose.

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