WWE RAW Results (5/8): Tag Team Turmoil, Dean Ambrose Takes on Bray Wyatt in the Main Event!

Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows are the next up. After a short break, Cesaro misses a corner clothesline. Anderson kicks Cesaro in the head. Gallows tags in and elbows Cesaro in the head. Gallows tries to suplex Cesaro but Cesaro a struggle suplexes Gallows. Sheamus tags in and battles Gallows. Sheamus tries a dive off the top but Gallows kicks him in the face. Everyone gets in the ring and a brawl breaks out. Cesaro takes out Gallows with a springboard European uppercut, Anderson spine busters Cesaro. Sheamus hits white noise on Anderson.

After another break, Anderson and Gallows hit the reverse 3D on Cesaro. Anderson and Gallows set up the magic killer but Sheamus breaks it up. Gallow runs right into the brogue kick for the win.

Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows have been eliminated.

The Golden Truth are the last team to enter. Truth and Goldust toss Cesaro over the top. Double Russian leg sweep by Golden Truth for a near fall. Running bulldog by Goldust. 10 punch in the corner by Goldust. Power slam by Goldust. Cesaro grabs Goldust and knee breakers him on the barricade. Cesaro and Sheamus work over Goldust’s knee. Cesaro puts Goldust in the sharpshooter. Truth breaks up the hold. Goldust tags in Truth. Truth knocks Sheamus off the apron. Calf kick followed by the gourd buster into the ax kick by Truth. Cesaro kicks out. Truth charges Cesaro in the corner but Cesaro moves out of the way. Truth bangs his head on the ring post. Cesaro rolls up Truth for the win.

Winners- Sheamus and Cesaro

After the match, Cesaro and Sheamus beat up Golden Truth. The Hardy Bots come out to make the save. Cesaro and Sheamus roll out of the ring to avoid the Hardyz.


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