Impact Wrestling Results (5/4): New Champion Crowned, El Patron Takes on Eli Drake in the Main Event!

Backstage, Karen Jarrett says next week Alisha will make her debut in the ring next week against Angelina Love. Sienna interrupts and gloats about winning the GFW Women’s title. Karen congratulates her and tells her she has a huge target on her back because there are so many women who want the GFW Women’s title…

EC3 vs John Bullman

EC3 beats the heck out of Bullman, hits the one percenter and it’s over.

Winner- EC3

After the match, EC3 says the new regime is responsible for the hell he is going to unleash.

Jeremy Borash is holding up derogatory signs behind Josh Matthews from the crowd.

GFW World Title Match: Magnus (c) vs Matt Morgan

Morgan tosses Magnus into the corner and lands a right hand. A headbutt by Morgan sends Magnus to the mat. Magnus rolls to the outside to avoid the assault from Magnus. Morgan tries to chokeslam Magnus but Magnus reverses it and hightails it back into the ring. Blueprint splash by Morgan. Morgan misses the carbon footprint and ends up kicking the turnbuckle. Magnus chop blocks Morgan and starts to work over Morgan’s knee.
