The feel good moment from WreslteMania didn’t last long. Last night they proved the Hardyz do not belong in the ring with a warrior and a Superman. Sheamus adds the honestly that the tooth of it (ha comma ha). Sheamus says they showed them that this isn’t the WWE they left behind. This is the WWE that belongs to Sheamus and Cesaro. They don’t set the bar. They are the bar! The Hardyz walk out on the ramp. Matt thanks Cesaro and Sheamus for that explanation. Matt says they feel as though they owe Cesaro and Sheamus a response. Matt put down the mic. Jeff and Matt both do the delete taunt and charge the ring. Cesaro and Sheamus hightail it out of there.
Backstage, Charley asks Miz if his lack of history with his Bálor or Rollins will affect his strategy tonight.Miz says he knows that Rollins cost Bálor eight months of his life. Before Miz can continue the camera pans out and Dean Ambrose is standing there holding the mic. Ambrose ask Miz if that hair gel gets in Miz’s eyes when he wrestles does he have to wear a headband or some kind of powder? Miz walks away. Ambrose throws the segment back to Gene and Bobby at ringside.