WWE RAW Results (5/1): All of the Fallout from Payback, New Number One Contender for the IC Title Crowned!

Intercontinental Championship Number One Contenders Match: Finn Bálor vs Seth Rollins vs The Miz w/Maryse

Miz rolls out fo the ring and tells Rollins and Bálor to fight it out. Rollins and Bálor lock up. Bálor goes behind Rollins and rolls him up for a two count. Miz rolls in the ring but rolls right back out when Bálor and Rollins realize he is back in. Rollins rolls up Bálor and Miz almost gets in the ring again. Rollins holds the rope open for Miz to get in. Miz refuses. Bálor and Rollins surround Miz. Rollins chases Miz around the ring. Miz runs into the ring right into Bálor. Miz tries to convince both Bálor and Rollins to team up with him with him. They both refuse. Miz is sent to the outside and Rollins tries to roll up Bálor but Bálor kicks out. Leapfrog/dropdown spot leads to Rollins baseball sliding Miz on the outside. Rollins attempts a sunset flip but Bálor rolls through and dropkicks Rollins. Bálor ends up on the apron. Before Bálor can do anything Miz pulls him off the apron. Bálor lands face first. Rollins is about to dive out of the ring onto Miz but Miz pulls Maryse in front to him. Bálor is about to attack from the other side but Miz turns Maryse and uses her as a shield once again. As Maryse is yelling at Bálor, Rollins dives over the top rope onto Rollins.

Bálor and Rollins roll Miz back into the ring. Rollins whips Bálor to the outside and tries to suplex Miz. Bálor breaks it up but ends up eating a boot from Miz. Rollins picks up Miz and back breakers him. Rollins goes up top. Miz pushes Rollins off the top to the outside. After the break, Miz has Bálor trapped in a rear chin lock. Bálor fights out of it but Miz catches him with the kitchen sink. Miz sets up his vintage corner clothesline but Bálor kicks Miz in the face. After a few clothesline Bálor hits a basement dropkick on Miz. Rollins springboards off the top into what looks like a splash but he just grazes Bálor and lands on his head. Rollins stumbles to his feet and tries to splash Miz in the corner. Miz moves and schoolboys Rollins for another near fall. multiple corner dropkicks followed by a corner clothesline by Miz. Miz hits an ax handle off the top for another near fall. Rollins throws Rollins into Bálor to know Bálor off the apron.



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