United States Championship Match: Kevin Owens (c) vs Chris Jericho
As the bell rings Owens rolls out of the ring. Jericho follows Owens and attacks him on the outside of the ring. Jericho rolls Owens back in the ring. Owens assaults Jericho as he gets in the ring. Owens hits the ropes but runs right into a dropkick by Jericho. Jericho lands a top rope back elbow for a two count. Running bulldog by Jericho. Jericho sets up the Lionsault, but Owens rolls out of the ring. Jericho changes course and attempts the triangle dropkick. Owens smashes Jericho head-first into the ring post. Jericho falls to the outside. Owens tosses Jericho into the barricade. Owens crushes Jericho with a cannonball on the barricade. Jericho almost gets counted out. Owens sentons Jericho as he gets back into the ring. Owens locks in a rear chin lock. Jericho tries to fight out of it. Owens turns the hold into a neck breaker. Owens locks in another chin lock. Jericho tries to fight out of that as well. Jericho lands a few chops. Owens whips Jericho into the ropes but Jericho reverses Owen’s knee attempt into a pin for a near fall. Owens stomps on Jericho before choking him on the second rope.
Jericho tries to fire up again. Owens grabs Jericho and DDTs him out of his boots for another near fall. Jericho catches Owens with a boot as Owens charges into the corner. Jericho goes for a flying axe handle in the corner but Owens moves out of the way. Jericho tumbles to the outside. Jericho gets back in the ring. Owens tries to toss Jericho over the top rope. Jericho lands on his feet on the apron climbs the top rope and catches Owens with an another axe handle. Jericho whips Owens into the corner. Owens superkicks Jericho as he charges in. Owens calls for the pop-up powerbomb but Jericho hooks the ropes. Jericho attempts the code breaker but Owens reverses that. Cannonball by Owens. Jericho kicks out. Owens whips Jericho into the ropes for the pop-up powerbomb. Jericho reverses it into a hurricanrana, which he transitions into the Walls of Jericho. Owens manages to get to the ropes… with one finger. Jericho looks back and sees it was just a finger and goes berserk. Jericho stomps on Owens’ finger over and over again. Jericho traps Owens’ hand between the ring and the ring steps and kicks the steps into Owens’ hand. The referee checks on Owens, which allows Owens to poke Jericho in the eye and roll him up. Jericho kicks out. Owens tries the pop-up powerbomb again but can’t get Jericho up. Jericho double legs Owens and locks in the Walls of Jericho. Owens tries to get to the ropes but he can’t extend his mangled finger. Jericho drags Owens back to the center of the ring and Owens taps out.
Winner and NEW United States Champion, Chris Jericho!