Impact Wrestling Results (4/27): LAX Defends the Tag Titles in a Street Fight Against Decay!

Impact Grand Championship Match: Moose (c) w/ Gary Barnidge and Deangelo Williams vs Davey Richards w/ Angelina Love

Round One-

Richards lands a few leg kicks. Moose floors Richards with a back elbow. Moose misses a clothesline in the corner. Richards charges in but Moose gets a boot up. Moose hops up to the second rope. Richards runs in and kicks Moose’s leg out from under him. Richards works over Moose’s injured leg. Richard locks in the figure four. Moose refuses to tap out.

Winner of Round One: Davey Richards

Round Two-

Richards chokes Moose in the corner. Richard misses a double foot stomp off the top. Moose tosses Richards in the air and blast him with a pop-up powerbomb, followed by a senton, then a moonsault for a near fall. Moose sets u the game changes but Richards ducks. Richards tries to leap over Moose but Moose catches him with a sick clothesline. Moose tries to set up the game changer again but Richards holds on to the ropes as the bell rings.

Winner of Round Two: Moose

Richard mounts the top rope but Moose dropkicks him off. Moose tries to superplex Richards off the top. Richards fights out of it and takes Moose over with a sunset flip powerbomb. Running buzzsaw kick by Richards. Top rope double foot stomp from off the top for a two count. Richards locks in the ankle lock. Eddie Edwards runs into the ring and attacks Richards to cause the DQ

Winner- Davey Richards

After the match, Richards pushes Williams. Williams pushes Richards down tot he mat. Richards gets up and charges Williams. Barnidge cuts Richards off, picks him up, and slams him down to the mat.