WWE Bismarck Live Event Results
Bismarck, ND
Results courtesy of Christopher Steckler
Started the night with Braun Strowman cutting a promo and recapping what he did to Roman and why Roman was not at the event. He then called a ref to the ring and challenged anyone in the back to a match and when no one came down told the ref to raise his hand as he won the match via forfeit. Sami Zayn comes out and told Strowman that he doesn’t have a match but a fight instead. Zayn and Strowman fight with Zayn in control early until Strowman clothesline Zayn to take control, and controls most of the fight. The fight ends with Zayn going for the Helleva kick, but Strowman counters and powerslams Zayn through a table that was set up in the corner.
We then get a 6 person tag match between Sin Cara and Golden Truth Vs. Curt Hawking and Primo and Epico using the Colons gimmick. End of the match came with R-Truth hitting the Lye Detector on Primo for the win.
Next is a Cruiserweight Champion match between Neville and Austin Aries. Solid match, which ended with Neville counter an attempted 450 splash by Aries by running into the ropes and getting Aries to tap in the Rings of Saturn submission move.
Up next is Big Cass (with Enzo at ringside) Vs. Titus O’Neil, in a match the Titus controlled until Enzo provided a distraction and Titus brought Enzo in the ring, then Cass was able to get momentum and win the match with a big boot.
Jinder Mahal comes out next and cuts a promo a lot like his promo on SmackDown after he won the #1 Contenders match for the WWE Champion, saying that we may not accept him, but we must accept that he will be the new WWE Champion. Finn Balor is his opponent, in a match with a lot of chain wrestling and mat wrestling. After Jinder controlled most of the match Balor was able to turn it around and get momentum. The end saw Jinder get himself DQ after using a chair on Balor. Jinder continued his attack on Finn with the chair, until Balor was able to counter get momentum and ended up hitting the Coup de Grace, which sent us to intermission.
After intermission we get a fatal four way match for the Raw Women’s Championship between Bayley, Sasha Banks, Charlotte, and Nia Jax. This match was a lot like the WrestleMania match that these four women had, with a little tease of a Sasha Vs. Bayley fued after Bayley interrupted an attempted pinfall by Sasha. End of the match saw Bayley hit a Bayley to Belly on Charlotte for the pinfall. A little sidenote on this match, they did the spot much like WrestleMania where Charlotte drove Sashas face into the turnbuckle, that eliminated Sasha at Mania, tonight when they did that spot Sasha hit her head hard on the mat afterwards, and the entire way up the ramp Charlotte and Sasha were shouting at each other, don’t know if that was preplanned or if that spot didn’t go as they had planned, something interesting that I noticed happened.
We get a tag team match between Cesaro and Sheamus Vs. Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows, great match between these two teams, a lot of back and fourth and great tag team wrestling in this match by both teams. End saw Sheamus hit the Brogue Kick on Gallows for the pinfall victory.
Main event is a tag team match between Kevin Owens and Samoa Joe Vs. Chris Jericho and Seth Rollins. Start of the match looked like it was going to be Joe Vs. Jericho, but Joe was calling for Rollins. Jericho made the tag to Rollins, but Joe immediately tags Owens which prompted Rollins to tag in Jericho, and this back and forth went on for a couple of minutes before Rollins hits Owens with a forearm to final start the match. Another really solid tag match between these two teams and great by both teams, a lot like the previous match. End of the match saw Jericho hit the Codebreaker on Owens and the pinfall victory. After the match Jericho gets on the mic, thanking Bismarck for coming out, and thanking the friends of Jericho for a great time, as well as calling Rollins his friend, and plugging Rollins as the future of the business. He wraps up the promo by telling the crowd in Bismarck that they made the List of Jericho, and thanked everyone for coming out.
Great show, and a very good crowd was on hand as well. Nearly a full house with the tickets that they had put up for sale for the event. Biggest pop was by far Jericho, especially when Jericho put Bismarck on the list. Second was when Enzo and Cass came out, followed closely by Charlotte when she came out for the fatal four way match, a lot of cheers for Charlotte tonight. Biggest heat was Jinder Mahal, followed by Strowman, especially when Strowman started getting the uphand in the fight with Zayn, followed by Neville.
Great crowd tonight! Thank you #WWEBismarck ! @WWE @wweespanol @WWEUniverse #FollowTheFaceless @Goldust @RonKillings #LuchaLuchaLucha pic.twitter.com/eJMJcs9X3V
— Sin Cara (@SinCaraWWE) April 23, 2017
The #SDLive Women’s title is going to look at home around my waist come Tuesday thank you #WWEBismarck pic.twitter.com/Rxo5R90nNb
— Charlotte Flair (@MsCharlotteWWE) April 23, 2017
Cuppa #CertifiedG‘s in the building! #WWEBismarck #SAWFT @WWEAaLLday21 @BigCassWWE https://t.co/v6as4eWCO9
— WWE (@WWE) April 23, 2017
How amazing is this? Thank you!! #WWEBismarck @SashaBanksWWE @itsBayleyWWE pic.twitter.com/G9pSvECBam
— Kaitlin Kurtz (@KaitlinKurtz) April 23, 2017
My night was made!! #WWEBismarck @WWERollins pic.twitter.com/aQZ5XEwETl
— Kaitlin Kurtz (@KaitlinKurtz) April 23, 2017
Nobody runs the ropes like @Goldust so fluid in the ring. super underrated sports entertainment royalty right there #WWEBismarck pic.twitter.com/44d02dW0ME
— Swanton Bomb (@EndBossOfKOTR) April 23, 2017
Did I mention that Finn Balor was here? Because Finn Balor was here #WWEBismarck pic.twitter.com/uYV8czYgkG
— Tarah (@pyrogues) April 23, 2017
He’s just chillin #WWEBismarck #kingslayer pic.twitter.com/mfDu8ftM8n
— Tarah (@pyrogues) April 23, 2017
Bayley is just a couple weeks away from being undefeated at live shows for an entire year #WWEBismarck pic.twitter.com/hz7vH9y4eL
— the last hugger (@BayleyPromoWWE) April 23, 2017
We made the list!! #WWEBismarck pic.twitter.com/kHL5pQomws
— Jake L (@JSLUGER) April 23, 2017
Here’s a video from #WWEBismarck tonight #CesaroSection (Credit goes to @cornyj77 on IG ) @WWECesaro pic.twitter.com/cqHbCkAKlW
— Cesaro-Source. Com (@CesaroSource) April 23, 2017
Balor with the win #WWEBismarck pic.twitter.com/GbmbjoGBYu
— Jake L (@JSLUGER) April 23, 2017