Impact Wrestling Results (4/20): Three Huge Title Matches, Multiple Returns, New Champion Crowned!

Kongo Kong w/Laural Van Ness, Sienna, and KM vs Chris Silva

Kong slams Silva into the corner and stomps on him. Kong picks up Silvia and hits a massive belly to belly suplex. Kong crushes Silva with a cannonball in the corner. Top rope splash by Kong to mercifully end this.

Winner- Kongo Kong

A video package is shown featuring Alberto El Patron. Patron says he wants Lashley to win tonight because Lashley stole the Impact title from him.

Backstage, GFW champion Magnus says Patron has done nothing to deserve a title shot. Magnus is the GFW champion and should be in the front of the line because the GFW title is what he likes to call a golden ticket (hehehe).

Impact Championship Match: Lashley w/Josh Matthews vs James Storm

Matthews walks over to the booth and puts on a headset. Matthews announces that he is with Lashley now. Borash gets in the ring and announces the combatants in the match. When Borash gets back to the desk Matthews goes on a rant about them needing him to survive.



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